Hi! I am Risikesh Ravilichitty! I work at Qualcomm as Pre-Silicon Performace Engineer.

I graduated from International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore with a Integrated Mtech (BTech + MTech) Degree with a specialistion in VLSI & Systems in 2021.My interests lie in the area of computer systems mainly but sometimes wander around other domains in computer science and electronics, I’m exploring different niches in the field, will be bloging on it to understand how computers work :) .

In my free time i like to Read Blog’s on Tech and Geo-Politics, and Cycle around the city in the morning 🚲. I often mentor early Undergraduate students in CSE/ECE domains to help them navigate through broken education system(Feel free to ping me via mail/LinkedIn).

Currently Working On:…

Coming soon


July’21: Joined Qualcomm,India as a Pre-Silicon Performance Engineer
July’21: Awarded, Institute’s Gold Medal for Contribution to IIIT-B Community Life
July’21: Graduated from IIITB with B.Tech and M.Tech
June’21: Successfully defended my Master’s Thesis
August’17: Got elected into Student’s Affairs Council of IIIT-B
August’16: Joined IIIT-B

Research Interests:

Work/Teaching Experience:

»Pre-Silicon Performance Engineer(July. 2021 - Present)
Working on performace analysis of Qualcomm Chipsets.

International Institute of Information Technology

»TEACHING ASSISTANT:(Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2020)

  1. Worked as a Teaching assistant for Digital Design Course by Prof. Subajit Sen (Jan-June).
  2. Worked as a Teaching assistant for System design with FPGA Course by Prof. Nanditha Rao (Aug-Dec).

»SUMMER RESEARCH INTERN:(May. 2018 - July. 2018)
Studied about different Cache Memory Architecture, in specific Compression Techniques to improve the performance of the overall system.


Vector ISA extension for RISC-V processor
Working on a vector isa extension for risc-v processor, this work is part of my master’s thesis.
Real Time cloud Deployed Video Conferencing client-server
A real time video conferencing application written on top of SOCKET connection, using PULSEAUDIO, V4L2(Video For Linux Driver) and SDL2(Simple DirectMedia layer) packages for various backend needs in the video conferencing application.(git)
LUT Based Bit-Serial Neural Processing Unit
A Look Up Table based variable bit precision(1-16bits) Multiply-Accumulate unit. Where LUT is used to store the partial sum of input Matrix 1, and Matrix 2 input is given Bit-Serially to support Variable precision MACs in mixed precision neural network. This project is inspired from the work (J Lee,2018).
Neural Network Inference in FPGA for Digit Detection
1-Layer Perceptron based Neural Network is built to detect the digits written and the activation of each digits. This small Neural Network is inferred in Basys-3 FPGA, and the detects the Digit Images sent over UART from the Host PC.
Assembly Implementation of AES 128BIT ENCRYPTION ARM CORTEX-M4
This project is a implementation of AES 128 bit encryption in Cipher block encryption mode, implemeted in STM32F4-Discovery Board. To we encrypt a 128 bit data, and transmit it through UART to pc, also blink leds(LD-LD) N(data that has to be transmitted(unencrypted)) number of time in STM32F4 Board. (Git)
Real Time Edge Detection Filter on Image acquired from CMOS Image Sensor using FPGA
The image from CMOS Image censor is Acquired real time on BASYS-3 FPGA using PMOD Connector and Edge detection filter is applied real time and the filtered image is shown as an output using VGA ports.
Road condition detection based on real time Gyroscope and Accelerometer data
The raw sensor data( Gyroscope and Accelerometer) is collected from the mobile phone which is attached to a vehicle moving at a constant speed of 20Km/Hr. Then the roads were rated out of 5 for their roughness. This data collected is used to train a machine learning model to rate the Road Out of 5 for their roughness. The model was able to predict with a 80% accuracy for test data set.
2D - LIDAR Map system
Developing a 2D lidar using a 1D lidar and integrating it with the Robotics Operating System(ROS) environment.Then the data point from the lidar system is used to Create a 2D-map for navigation and positioning of the vehicle in a closed environment.
Logic Finder Circuit
Developed a circuit that can find out the simplified Logic (in SOP form) of any circuit with a complex Combination of logic gates with up to 3 inputs. This circuit can also be used for testing of the IC’s. Around 65 Logic gates are used in developing the circuit and One clock is maintained to sync all the Logic gates. (Video)